Your Hotel in Coimbra downtown

“Rádio Baixa” in downtown

In downtown there’s a radio studio with live emissions.

“Rádio Baixa”, a community radio, takes its first steps in “Baixa de Coimbra” (our downtown). This cultural and nonprofit project, chooses music as the main element and is lead by local and national artists, DJ’s, programmers and cultural agents or simply amateurs who have in music a passion. They want create a community in the Baixa through the creation of bonds and shares. The emissions of Rádio Baixa are transmitted from the studio, which is located in a shope-window facing one of the traditional streets of the Baixa, which invites visitors to enter and for a bit of chat. You can access the Radio Baixa emissions online through their website and social networks and all podcasts will be available on platforms such as Mixcloud or Soundcloud. The live emissions take place on Friday, Saturday and Sunday afternoons and the goal is to extend the emissions to the rest of the week. Address: Rua Eduardo Coelho, 23 Baixa de Coimbra. Website: FB:

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Hotel Oslo – Coimbra

Av. Fernão de Magalhães, 25
3000-175 Coimbra, Portugal
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