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Interactive Science Center

A space to explore and that appeals to the five senses.

With more than two decades of existence, the “Exploratório – Interactive Science Center” was the first of its kind in Portugal, assuming itself as an entity to promote scientific culture. Several insightful and interactive experiences are always available to immerse young and old into the world of science.”Do you know what are reflexe acts?” and “What is DNA for? “. “In shape with science” is the name of the permanent exhibition that intends to answer these and many other questions about the human body (portuguese only). An exhibition that is divided into several modules that depict the various systems of the human body, their functions and morphologies. Through various participatory experiences you will get in shape with science. During the month of July you can still enjoy “Walking the Spiders”. An exhibition that will challenge you, for example, to take a picture with a tarantula on your hand. Doubts such as “Are spiders insects?”, “Why do they have 8 eyes?” Or “Why does people have arachnophobia?” can also be clarified within nearly 400 m2. The 360º cinema Hemispherium and abundant activities are among the many reasons to visit.

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Hotel Oslo – Coimbra

Av. Fernão de Magalhães, 25
3000-175 Coimbra, Portugal
Tel. +351 239 829 071
(national landline call)
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